
This class will introduce the field of graphic design. Students will undertake many real-world design projects; making a unique CD cover, their own T-shirt, an ad campaign, a magazine, and revamping a boring resume. The course culminates in each student creating his or her own website on a topic of choice.

When the year ends you will understand:
 What is Graphic Design?
 What makes a design successful/principles of design?
 The role of typography & drafting in design.
 How to use Adobe Photoshop to create digital images.
 How to use html and css to build professional websites.

Projects- Earn points for creativity, demonstrating objectives, craftsmanship, & turning completed projects in on-time (40%)
Daily Grade- Percent of time on-task, working hard every day. (30%)
Quizzes/tests- Demonstrate your understanding of technology and subjects studied in multiple choice and short response form. (20%)
Sketchbook- Daily warm-ups, sketches & note-taking. (10%)
TIME... All work must be submitted by the due date for full points. Any free time in class must be used constructively- if you finish early, play around with Photoshop or with the other tools you learn, not on the internet.

Students will...
Respect yourself and others
Listen when others talk, use respectful language
Respect art time
Commit to 100% effort, 100% of the time.
Come to class prepared, on time, ready to work, and willing to try
Off-task web browsing or e-mail will result in loss of computer privileges.
Respect the studio
Take care of all materials, be safe, clean up at the end of the period.
Respect your school
Follow the dress code, cell phone, and food and drink policy of the school.
Use appropriate subject matter for all assignment. Drugs, alcohol, gang, violent, or obscene images will not be tolerated. All HISD rules apply to the art studio. Cell phones will be confiscated on sight.
In order to maintain a positive environment the following steps may be taken in any order deemed necessary: Loss of classroom privileges, conference with student and/or parents, parent phone call, detention, and/or referral to counselors/administration.